
Showing posts from December 20, 2021

Hero Vired and NSDC get into a Strategic Alliance to upskill the Indian Youth

●       The unique collaboration aims to impart niche technology skills and connect students with relevant employment opportunities ●       NSDC will support Hero Vired by offering internships, industry projects, financing schemes and facilitating strategic alliances with prospective institutions/business entities in a B2B (business-to-business) or B2I (business-to-individual) capacity ●       As a technology innovation partner to support NSDC, Hero Vired will provide learner certifications through its digital commerce platform   India, 2021: Hero Vired, India’s premium EdTech company, has collaborated with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to offer internships, industry projects and financial support to professionals and higher education aspirants. The collaboration aims at developing innovative training programs in emerging and relevant technologies such as drone deployment and game designing, among others . As the technology innovation partner, Hero Vired will