Aakash Institute student try to fulfil her lifelong dream

A Story of Determination and Courage Aakash Institute student N Moulya Sree from Visakhapatnam defies odds to prepare for JEE and fulfil her lifelong dream of becoming an Engineer o With a dream of inventing equipment to ease her father’s work at the farm, N Moulya Sree is preparing to get admission in IIT. o While her family struggles, Moulya Sree is working hard towards reaching her goals of pursuing Engineering from IIT and then move to the USA for MSc to help her family live a life free of financial constraints Vishakhapatnam, June 28, 2021: The Second Wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a lasting impact on almost everyone. For students particularly, the lockdown has caused deep distress – the constant worry about exams being rescheduled, preparing for competitive exams online as well as the fear of an uncertain future. However, this period of grief and struggle has also given rise to many stories of courage among the student community th...